Sunday, April 25, 2010

Journey to Thirty #12 (#11 cont...) - Realization: What do I

I typically have an awful time getting out of bed everyday. I battle headaches often. I am sleep deprived. I start everyday with at least 5 things I didn't finish the day before. I am exhausted, but lots of people are.
So, I roll over to snooze my alarm each morning and ask myself what do I want today. I need this question. Most mornings I just want to remember to relax no matter what. But the details do fall. I want to pay forward my fashionista success. First step in that direction is the blog about the amazing shoes the world, or my few followers, must know about. Secondly, turning yesterday's idea of an incredible earring, into an incredible earring. I want to put my best face forward by remembering to put on my new overpriced mascara to show of the benefits of my Latisse regime and the bronzer. I love bronze on skin, jewels, shoes, clothes, and handbags! I have a million people depending on me to put them on an imaginary peddle stool. How? I have to be prepared to give them what they need without giving up all that I need. These are the things I want today.
It's a constant conversation in my head. It's the determination of my needs and what it will take to fulfill them...every single day

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and the idea of being mindful of how your everyday actions fit into your overall goals! Very inspiration!

    I found your blog through the MBC Follow Me club. I am now following!

    I am still new at this blogging thing and am in need of new followers, so please follow me as well.

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    -Jessica a.k.a Nya's mom
