Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm back!

So it's been ages, but I'm back! I have been working crazy hours with my business, a "regular" job, and single parenthood. I'm fulfilled, almost, but typically out of time for most anything else. I'm recommitted though. I'm ready to get back to this blog. It's like my online diary, and I've missed it.

I'm starting a new feature to this blog. It's going to be called my journey to thirty. I'm turning 29 on the 24th of January, in just a few days. My twenties have been so crazy, yet strangely rewarding, and I want to chronicle this last year. I think it will be fun discussing some of the things I've learned. I will start it off by reviewing some of the unsuccessful decisions I've made in my 20s and what I've learned from them. Please take this ride with me. I think it'll be worth a laugh or two at least!

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