Monday, February 9, 2009

I like boys, today at least, and I have a boyfriend

Wow, at some point in the last few days I acquired a boyfriend. Yes, a boyfriend. This post following my last probably would have mouths and eyes wide open. Completely shocked.

I've been playing text message and phone dating with a dear sweet boy from my past. We were never single at the same time. We were never interested, available, willing, or excited at the same time. Then he popped up out of no where just as I was dusting myself off from my last debacle. No worries, I'd had just enough time to not be angry or the bitter black woman. He's talkative, attractive, sincere, and slightly, really, jealous...all the things I like in boys. I fit in him, and vice versa, when we hug. I feel safe and comfortable with him. I think he may be a great passage in my life, however can't count on him being a landing strip this early in the game.

Now with all this good there is some bad. He's terrific, yes, but we have our issues! He's not the greatest communicator. We're at least 175 miles apart. He's super face to face, but for him way more than me, texting and calling get to be a little much. He will always respond, but can take 24-48 hours to initiate if I do not. I'm a call every 15 minutes type, tell you everything type, and just hold the phone type. He says I need another girl-friend, lol. He says he's just not that guy. Is that okay? Could I hold this against him? And, he's a tadbit selffish, in the me do with him in mind, and he do with him in mind kind of way. What about me? Don't know if this is temporary until he gets back into the girlfriend/boyfriend swing of things or if it is what it is.

I like this man. I like this man a whole lot. I want to believe this man could maybe, possibly, be the man, at least for the next while, or so. Because I do like this man. He could certainly be the perfect man for me, if he's the perfect man for me. Either way, I'm gonna ride this wave into shore...hopefully it's an exciting, yet smooth, and incredibly long ride.

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