Tuesday, March 3, 2009


"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." ~Henry Ford

I have failed, of course. Failure is a part of life. It's not focusing on the failure, but on the opportunity that we must be taught. That's one hell of a lesson. I want to find success in seeing the lesson even if I haven't applied it in my life in any way. If that's fair.

I have a considerable amount of failure. At times, I feel I failed on my entire life. I can't count many accomplishments. I am proud of who I am. I feel truly blessed. But, at the end of the day my accomplishments bucket is kind of low. I am still fighting the good fight for multiple degrees that I'm not sure I'm passionate about. It's called a sacrifice. I keep going back to the school for education because I need it, not always an issue of want. I work so hard at my business, http://www.blaisedenvy.etsy.com/, because it's my passion, but often I wonder if it's a failure. If it is, is this my opportunity to continue the changes I've been making or scrap the project and go a different direction. I hope it's not the latter.

The gist of things is that failure doesn't last. You may go to bed with rain, but it will pass through the night. You'll wake to sunshine and a rainbow in the distance. I promise. I am master of failure, getting back up, dusting myself off, and beginning again more intelligently. I am not afraid of failure, I will welcome it. If it gives me the chance to relive, redo, or rework any moment better. I will welcome it. It's the harsh word for guess, test, and revise. Failure and recovery = guess, test, and revise!

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